Dogs, Blogs, &

Bike Cogs

Subscribe to laugh at my pain, look at pictures of dogs I met on the trail, read stories that likely I only find funny, and receive recurring updates that prove I'm still alive and pedaling... for now. 

 I went on an epic adventure! It was a 2-month(ish) expedition down the Great Divide Mountain Biking Route or the GDMBR as some folks would abbreviate it. This epic trip began in the beautiful, scenic town of Banff, Alberta, and wrapped up in the, well, let's call it "secluded" border town of Antelope Falls, New Mexico. The original vision of this website was to update you on my journey, my successes and failures, and maybe convince you to donate to a good cause if you're up to it.

Now, my dream is to make Pedaling4Pups the best bikepacking website for adventurers planning their next big trip. I learned so much from this experience, but most importantly that anyone can do this. You just need the right gear, the right mindset, a 2-month sabbatical from your job, an endless bankroll... okay maybe it's not so straightforward -- but that's why I'm here to help.

Check out my adventure. Share yours with me. Save some dogs if you're up for it.


The ultimate bikepacking checklist

"I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog that doesn't like a person." - Bill Murray 

Subscribe to Tales From the Trail

Yogi - Great Divide Dog


This is Yogi, my first dog. We miss Yogi. #IMY He was a complicated dog, but a great pooch nonetheless. 

Did I make it?

Read the blog to find out.

Dogs, Blogs, and Bike Cogs

What is Bikepacking? (A Beginner's Guide)

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Dogs, Blogs, and Bike Cogs

Bikepacking Gear Checklist: What You Should Bring

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Dogs, Blogs, and Bike Cogs

Update: 11/21: Welcome, Blueberry

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Donate to the cause.

Pedaling for Puppies

The ongoing military conflict in Ukraine has created a disturbing, shocking, and terrifying reality for the people who live in Eastern Europe. Fortunately, there are some amazing folks doing incredible work to keep families together and are supporting the people of Ukraine through this time of need. 

One cause that really stood out to me was the work being done at Shelter Ugolyok, an animal rescue organization that has kept its locations open and active throughout Ukraine this year. Ugolyok has rescued and provided shelter for more than 400 animals including horses, cows, goats, dogs, cats, donkeys, and sheep. They've done tremendous work taking in pets that families have had to surrender due to the war.

I recognize the privilege I have to be able to go on a trip like this, while folks like the ones at Shelter Ugolyok are giving their time, effort, and safety to make their community a better place. Please help me support their mission by considering a small donation to Shelter Ugolyok. All proceeds will go directly to the shelter and helping animals in need in Ukraine.

Pictures From the Trail

Oh, Canada

From training, all the way up to the Canadian border, check out some pics from the first leg of the journey.

Pioneer Country

The original pioneers were hitchhikers, ate coral, and took directions from algae. I can only hope but to honor their memory.

Home Stretch

Hey, I must be getting the hang of this thing! Just a few more miles to go.

About Me

Pedaling 4 pups founder

Clint Fontanella

A hardened, worldly traveler with a plethora of outdoor survival experiences, such as:

  • Camped in my backyard once. Almost made it to sunrise before getting scared. 
  • Watched a 2-hour nature documentary for 5 hours straight while waiting for my delayed flight at the airport. 
  • Completed 82% of the story in Red Dead Redemption 2 on "Ruthless" mode.
Click here for the rest of my life story and more "death-defying" exploits.